Monday, September 10, 2007


From the Greenville News 9/5/07 an editorial on the importance of addressing greenhouse gasses within South Carolina. (Note: the proposed Pee Dee Plant will emit an estimated 8.7 million tons of CO2 annually -- more if plans for a second unit are carried forward):

Emissions of greenhouse gases are rising faster in South Carolina than the nation as a whole, according to an analysis of emissions completed for a committee studying the impact of climate change on South Carolina. The results shouldn't be surprising given the rapid growth in South Carolina, but given growing concern about air pollution -- particularly in the Upstate -- it should be taken seriously.

Greenhouse gases come mainly from cars and electricity production generated by fossil fuels. South Carolina has both in abundance. From 1990-2005, those emissions increased 38 percent in South Carolina, compared to a 16 percent increase nationally. While the science isn't complete yet on how these gases impact the global climate, most people agree that limiting pollution is important. Several ideas on the Climate, Energy and Commerce Advisory Committee's radar screen would go a long way toward helping to mitigate pollution problems here and throughout the state.

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