Sunday, November 4, 2007

SC Mayors Urge Action to Reduce GHGs

On Friday over 100 mayors representing over 1 million South Carolinians released an open letter to the presidential candidates. The message: SC voters want candidates to address climate change and provide solutions.

Coverage of the event is everywhere: Savannah, Augusta, Hilton Head, Beaufort, Charleston, Myrtle Beach, Columbia , Rock Hill, Charlotte, etc.

You can also listen to a national radio program on "climate on the campaign trail" that includes mention of the Mayors' initiative here.

Here's hoping the candidates listen.

And others too.

If over 1,000,000 South Carolinians think that climate change must be addressed at the highest level of our government, perhaps they would not be too pleased to learn of Santee Cooper's mad rush to build 4 coal plants within 10 years (two already permitted in Berkeley County; two proposed on the banks of the Pee Dee), adding nearly 18 million tons of greenhouse gas into the atmosphere every year, the equivalent of a small country...

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