According to the South Carolina Statehouse Report, concerned citizens in this state have Santee Cooper to thank. Below is an excerpt from Andy Brack's commentary on the phenomenon:
Environmental movement getting new head of steam
By Andy Brack, Publisher
NOV. 11, 2007 - - South Carolina's environmental movement has picked up an unexpected ally: Santee Cooper, the very public utility it is battling with over a proposed coal-burning power plant.
The utility's aggressive push to build the billion-dollar plant in the Kingsburg area of Florence County has galvanized fishermen, rural residents, conservationists and long-time liberal environmentalists into a coalition with, ahem, new energy.
Florence resident Peggy Brown, natural resources director for the state League of Women Voters, said the planned power plant has brought together different groups and people.
"It has united them to make them stronger," she noted.
Dana Beach, head of the SC Coastal Conservation League, said the unity is driven by the plant and has allowed conservation organizations to broaden their reach.
"It has been the crucible for education and activism that we've needed around the state," he said. After listing several groups opposing the plant, he added, "We're all working very closely together to not only oppose the plant, but to develop an agenda to solve the problem."
I have to give you credit Rusty. You guys are the best at promoting your own agenda and creating your own buzz. Andy Brack is one of your own, an environmentalist. An environmentalist writing an article promoting your position should not be shocking nor is is news. To give equal time, why don't you guys promote a story from a coal rag saying how great coal is?
This blog isn't a newspaper. Or Fox News, for that matter. Its pretty clear that this blog is opposed to your coal plant. I am too. If this Brack guy is on board (I'd hardly call the SC Statehouse Report an enviro rag), so much the better.
Great blog!! Glad to be able to comment.
As you can see from the above post we(the people) are having an effect, the coal interests know that the public is no longer going to stand for our air,water and health to be sold to the highest bidder.
In my opinion the coal plant will not be built.
Opposition is growing not only to the coal plant itself but also in the towns the coal trains travel through. Opposition to mountain top removal is growing by leaps and bounds. Ships unloading imported coal are under increased pressure to clean up their act and last but not least the calls for accountability for the lives being lost due to lax enforcement by those charged with protecting miners. What kind of people are these who would shirk their duties to boost the profits of a few while permitting the needless loss of life of those who make their profits possible.
Big coals arrogance will be their downfall!!
Check out this NYT article from a few weeks back: Fight Against Coal Plants Draws Diverse Partners
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