From the "It's Getting Hot in Here!" blog, coverage of an anti-Pee Dee coal plant rally held by College of Charleston students in honor of international Fossil Fools Day. Apparently these students are not interested in enrolling in the so called "Energy Campus" planned for the Pee Dee. Go College of Charleston!
Foolin’ With South Carolina’s Coal KingsMore coverage (and pictures of the rally!) over at the "Go Green Charleston Blog."
Published by sethgunning, April 2nd, 2008
By Carly Sothoran
College of Charleston students and Charleston community members joined thousands of people across the globe in an international day of action against the fossil fuel industry. Alliance for Planet Earth, the student environmental group at the College, hosted a rally in Marion Square where participants demanded a halt to Santee Cooper’s proposed coal plant to be located on the Great Pee Dee River.
Over 50 protestors addressed the ridiculousness of a new coal plant by dressing in clown outfits, waving signs and handing out “coal plants.” Numerous petition signatures were collected against the coal plant and pedestrians received informational flyers on clean energy alternatives. “Today’s event was about letting the youth’s voice be heard, encouraging people to take action and insisting that Santee Cooper invest in efficiency and renewable energy rather than a new dirty coal plant” said event spokesperson and Alliance for Planet Earth member Carly Sothoron.
Guest speakers, Ian Sanchez of Lowcountry Environmental Education program and Dr. Matt Wasson of Appalachian Voices, discussed the absurdity of building a technologically outdated coal plant in South Carolina and the advantages of energy efficiency and renewable sources like wind and solar. “Building this coal plant from an economic, health, and environmental view is a kick in the teeth to the young and future generations” stated Dr. Wasson.
Our state spends over $740 million a year on out of state coal. If we want an energy independent South Carolina, it is time to invest in our own home grown energy sources. This new coal plant will emit 3,500 tons of ozone-forming nitrous oxide, 7,500 tons of soot-forming sulfur dioxide, and 900 tons of lung-damaging particulate matter each year, along with 8.7 million tons of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide. According to DHEC’s draft air permit, this plant is permitted to emit annually 138 pounds of toxic mercury!
Enough fooling around with fossil fuels! Clean energy and efficiency will make South Carolina a healthier and greener place to live.
College students who have not paid an electric bill in their life telling an established utility company how to run their business. Great. Not only are there photos of your anti-business activity, but I bet there is a petition floating around somewhere complete with names and addresses. Now, super smart college students, how do you think that nasty, silly, smart a$$ behavior looks to a business that may be hiring college grads this spring? Oh, that’s right. You were planning on working for consultant or accounting firm. What do you think drives their business and pays their bills? You did a great job offending their best clients.
I hope there are a lot of openings down at the philosophy factory this spring! Good luck!
Where's Sgt. Pepper?
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