Thursday, November 8, 2007

Meeting Tonight!

DHEC Public Hearing on the Pee Dee plants TONIGHT in Pamplico, SC.


Help stop this:


Anonymous said...

Hey, John, we got our butts cut at the public hearing even after all that advertising and radio ads. What a waste of good money. Hey, after hearing that story about the elderly lady having to choose between her prescription medicine and paying her power bill it was hard to put global warming and the polar bears up against it. Maybe we really do need the plant!

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure who's "butts got cut" (?!) at the public hearing. I was there and what I saw was this: S-C, the electric cooperatives and a bunch of their industrial customers busing in a bunch of their employees (who no doubt earned overtime or were otherwise strongly "encouraged" to attend -- talk about a waste of PUBLIC money). It also sounded to me like all of their "speeches" were written by a PR firm (and no doubt they were).

In the end (although you might not know this because you probably left early, along with all the other folks who were probably paid to attend), the number of anti coal speakers were just about equal to the pro-coal speakers, with a key difference:

The anti-coal speakers were local residents and concerned citizens who spoke from the heart -- real people who don't work for the folks who want to build this plant, and won't somehow get paid by the folks who want to build this plant.

And tell the truth -- your coal plant won't lower that lady's power bill, it will raise it. and your mercury will make her even sicker!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike, I DID stay until the end! I kept count and the enviros lost 45-24. Three touchdowns!! It wasn't even close! What are you talking about?

I did not say the coal plant would lower electric bills, I just though about my grandmother trying to pay her power bill and the polar bears did not seem so important! She's 96 years old, and the mercury hasn't got her yet.