Thursday, November 29, 2007

Somewhere in SC...

This image recently came to my attention. I'm not sure where it comes from, but I did look up the Bible verse and it's scary...

[Editor's Note: Though the sentiments are well worth considering, readers have pointed out that this is NOT a real image. In fact, you can create your own "church sign image" at this website. So, make your own and share it with us!]


Anonymous said...

Rusty dear,

I do like that picture. And I hope for all of our sakes that the good Lord listens and doesn't build that plant.

Anonymous said...

Hello Rusty. I can tell you where that picture came from. It came from the following website, a "church sign generator" :

So, in other words, it's not real.

I've always thought these generated signs were pretty funny. Still, I've hesitated to use them myself. I'm certainly as imperfect as the next guy, but I've always had concerns over honesty (what's that, the 9th Commandment?) and taking the Lord's name in vain (the 3rd?). My understanding is that the traditional interpretation of "not taking the Lord's name in vain" is not so minimalist as to only include those who use God's name as if it were a curse word; rather, it also includes those who would use Him to further their own agendas.

I'm not trying to pass judgement on you, as I know you all have good intentions. I just thought I would share my concerns were I to post a similar picture. I believe the Lord has a good sense of humor - I'm just saying that it seems a fine line to me.

Best wishes,


Anonymous said...

You think that sign is good? Check these out. The community is really coming together!!!

Anonymous said...

You guys really stink if you are resorting to this. These signs are completely fake, therefore you website has zero credibility.

Why not photoshop some photos of folks doing illegal things? What is the difference?

Anonymous said...

Hey, guys, I really like some of the stuff here, but this is going too far. You need to remove this now. It will only discredit you and our cause. Thanks.